# Thinkserver This is licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, v3. ## Installation These instructions are deliberately sketchy. I'm releasing this code in case someone else wants to use it but I'm not interested in it being a collaborative project or taking support or feature requests. Everything is provided as-is. This is a [Django app](https://www.djangoproject.com/), with some of the front-end interface written in [Elm](https://elm-lang.org/). These instructions assume that the server will be installed at `/srv/think.somethingorotherwhatever.com`. Run ``` pip install requirements.txt ``` Copy `thinkserver/settings.py.dist` to `thinkserver/settings.py` and fill in the settings at the end of the file. Generate a secret string and put it in `/srv/think.somethingorotherwhatever.com/secret_key.txt`. Run ``` python manage.py migrate python manage.py collectstatic --noinput ``` Copy `gunicorn.conf.py.dist` to `gunicorn.conf.py`. Copy `installation/think_something.service` and `installation/think_something.socket` to `/etc/systemd/system`. Copy `installation/thinkserver.nginx.conf` to `/etc/nginx/sites-available` and then symbolic link that to `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled`. Use Certbot to make a wildcard certificate for `*.think.somethingorotherwhatever.com`. How exactly this works depends on your hosting provider.